County Muni Reporting Unit (Poll Location) nW Ballots Blue Red nV A/B EDV IPAB nCAV Oth Regs B/R LR+ EDR= L+E Hnd Scn Tch
Summary for FOND COUNTY
reporting units  Wards=(0)  Ballots(B)=   (0/ward)   MPT: 0 hrs   Regs(R)=  B/R=0%  LERs=  R+LERs=0(0%)  High=  Low=9999  Avg=0   0%
Votes: Blue=  Red=  Total=      Present & Absent: In-Person ED Voting=(0%)   Early=   Mail-in=   Others=   chksum=PASS  
Counted by Hand=  Scan=  Touch=
DS()   CB()   ES()   SQ()   VP()   (we don't know equipment at RU or ward level)

County colors represent FFA endorsements where RED=Yes, BLUE=No, YELLOW=Maybe
LERs=Late + Election Day Registrations    A/B=Is % who voted absent (IPAB=Early Voting, nCAVA=Mailed Ballots)   nW=Qty of wards MPT=Manual Processing Time
source: FINAL - Election Statistics Report (EL-190F) 2020 General Election 2021-05-10    VIDEO    EXPLANATION   (Since Nov 3 2020)

StatBandit is not beholden to any political, legislative or FFPCA group. We are 100% independent and welcome all who are aligned with our mission to expose the truth.